Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Dann wäre VHTV Tod und sie müssten Hector und Marla beobachten!

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That’s what I’m saying he provides entertainment he has done for 6 years

Yes he does, love henry and mira

Henrys fan club are out tonight bring back i/k that what i say :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not a fan club it’s just called respect something you would not understand you old fart

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old ? you need to get out more

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You hate the fact that believe it or not some people actually like Mira and Henry and not all feel the need to insult participants and make up false stories to fit a certain agenda

Clearly you do first thing u do is come in here and try to cause arguments

false stories like what ? waiting

Lies that he f___es people to do things against there will proven to be lies f___es them to have sex with him proven lies that he’s an old man yet he’s in his late 30s I’m not going to argue with you it’s clearly what you want that’s why your first comment was directed at people who like Mira and Henry so enjoy your day

so it ok for him to like r____t ? knockdown his wife ? goes to apartments where they are d__gs , grope every woman or should i say girls he see ? tell what type of bloke you are prick


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: enjoy your night you jealous loser I will got argue with u keep talking your s__te

it call facts :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Considering Shana Indira marica have all said otherwise :rofl::rofl::rofl: keep spreading your fake agenda :+1: what a sad life u must live need to come in a porn site to criticise people you pay to watch

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jus call him “THRUSH” He sure is one irritable C#NT

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Big time mate

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I love it when members get on so well and harmoniously :laughing:

yheres an apple for everyone on this tree , you included :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

mabe you like that big black hand / up wear the son dont shine aswell . next time thay have a party , someone is goingto show your mate getting it , then se how he feels , he can invite his gay friends and the r____t to see when thay are not there first hand

Nothing black about me sweetheart stop embarrassing yourself I’m guessing English is not your first language