Mira and Henry

@Support Please adjust cam 3 so we can see the other end of room. with the having another couch there will be lots of action missed due to not being able to see.


You should write to support@voyeur-house.tv

And ask them to fix cam6. It got hit and is pointing too high…


as in write regular email to them??

yes exactly

Actually, what’s needed is a 5th Living Room camera exactly 180 degrees opposite to cam 4

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Wouldn’t that be a bad idea because all you would see is the wall. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, It would be facing where the inflatable sofa was

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Mira & Henry

Henrie said it was clear that this cam would never exist. I think the way the problem has now been solved with the Cam 5 is good.

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