
tu t est fait manipuler par ton ex et jakar .odina plus la jakar ne vient plus chez toi bizzard non .ouvre les yeux et pense moins a tout entre jambe.

Well @Mikl back to the topic about who should you bring next.
Since you have shown some gay (ehm bisexual tendencies) in the past and things with women -as obviously everyone agrees here- do not end well for you, and due to the luck gay content on VHTV, we would suggest to bring a man to fuck with. :smirk:
Who knows, this may end better for you since it will be a NSA fun since you have problems with trust and commitment obviously and this would be a good way to redeem yourself.


I wouldn’t call myself a real bisexual, much less gay. The label “experimenter” would be more suitable, and even then, these are not exactly guys. I can make gay jokes, idolize Billy Herington (rest in peace to that gym boss), but that’s about it and not on a regular basis

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just a suggestion live alone for awhile and bring back some of the old gang from days gone by and just have fun

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Hmmmm if you don’t want to put a lebel ok, but facts are facts.
When you are in your ‘‘experimentation phase’’ again then, let us know! :wink:

Also come on man ‘‘these are not exactly guys’’ what they are then? animals or plants? lol


il ne voit pas les femmes comme des ĂȘtres humains mais comme des proies c est un prĂ©dateur

@jabbath1987. Could you please clarify for me whether we are allowed to constantly inveigh against the participants? Thank you for your thoughtful clarification :hugs:

je crois que oui quand les participants ont des comportements immoraux .c est juste mon avis perso .meme si je sais que beaucoup de personne ne seront pas d accord .

Congratulations on the beautiful photos you took. It was demonstrated that on the site, there are also bisexuality actions that some of the site’s subscribers eventually appreciate. :upside_down_face:


Yes but if your reaction to the situation would have been better then you would not have to be with out someone there now because of your actions it is going to be hard to persuade any other female to come and stay with you because it seems to me that you don’t like staying by yourself a lot that’s why you have been at Millie’s a lot more but I do hope that you can find someone new to and stay with you best of luck

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and here your judgment is also wrong. I feel quite comfortable even in complete solitude. and Millie I just now helped around the house and solve some organizational and everyday problems


I don’t see anything bad written against Mikl. There is no rule that we need to praise participants all the time.


Threesome with Shana & Marica next? :thinking:


Same Indira and Kostja. Love to see Indira again.

il est ridicule a se croire interressant.

I told him that a while ago in a private message when he did respond back, but nowadays he no longer responds to me

il fait son numéro a la jeune fille .elle ne le regarde pas.elle est mal a l aise .

elle est quand chez lui .mais elle veu tpas couche avec lui .regarde le il fait la gueule .il supporte pas qu’ une femmme lui dise non

And this is where I feel like I’m not wrong because up until the day that she left or that you kicked her out you hardly ever went over to Millie‘s except for her to do the little porno shoot now all of a sudden you been over there two days in a row Correct me if I’m wrong I might not understand the language, but if you were on the outside, looking in and you See for the most part since she has gotten her own place, she has been by herself

What nonsense is this. He hasn’t tried her on and she doesn’t look uncomfortable to me! :face_with_monocle: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: