Mikl & Shana

Nobody was in a poly relationship. :man_facepalming:

Š”Š° ŠæрŠµŠ±ŃƒŠ“ŠµŃ‚ с Š²Š°Š¼Šø Š¼Šøр. :+1:

Good luck and take care, buddy :wink:

Wow. The haters finally got their dreams of getting rid of the evil mikl. Iā€™m sorry to see you go dude. I have supported you for your entire time here and have been attacked for it too. But like I give a s__t :joy::joy::joy: as itā€™s only keyboard warriors with ignorance as their motivation. Now we will see what happens in the apartment.

Oh, and to the haters. Can you tell us, did you make a mess all over your computer screen when mikl announced his departure? I bet Ryan, Elrich and edd did for sure :joy::fu:t4::joy::fu:t4::joy::fu:t4:

Even some of those who were upset with Mikl a few nights ago were able to reach out and wish him well. Others instead saw it as an opportunity to rub it in, quite shameful really.


They also wanted to know if Mikl would fuck Shanna one more time before he goesā€¦ :man_facepalming: :roll_eyes:

Thereā€™s a difference between demeaning a man and calling him names vs criticizing his behavior, which is an objective observationā€¦ thatā€™s fair game as he himself has criticized his own behavior. Lesson to all going forwardā€¦ donā€™t make it personal.

Itā€™s not hating, when you are being truth and blunt about Miklā€™s behavior. He did what he did and got called out on it, thatā€™s all

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The problem is Ryan you donā€™t know when to stop, you use very opportunity to take a dig at him, itā€™s almost obsessive. How many times have you mentioned his name since that incident?, dozens & dozens. I was critical of what he did, but I am also able to recognise he made a silly mistake, which he has acknowledged and he has owned it, and he has made a committment to better himself. How hard is it to wish someone weā€™ll? It seems to me that you are not a very forgiving person, which says more about you than it does Mikl.

Everyone has been rather nice to you as of late. It sure would be a shame if people started trolling you again for your bad behaviorā€¦

I wonder what @ToreyK is doing right about now? :face_with_monocle: :sweat_smile:

Serial K__ler Halloween GIF by GIPHY CAM

Well, that explanes the farewell scenario at s&t the other day.

@Mikl I want you to know, that I realized, that in the early days Indira only had eyes for you, wherever you met, even when kostja was there and that Kostja just had the lucky moment with her to have her at his side. Had you guys come together, probably things would have worked out entirely different.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

Thanks guys for such kind words. honestly, I expected something else. enough to be sad, I donā€™t always leave the project, they will invite me to visit and maybe, if someday it works out, I will return to the project, but the goal for now is a crusade for unclosed gelstalds and enlightenment. I love you guys, thank you (tears of joy)


Lol, indira met Troy, and then met and fell for kostja. There was no lucky moment, just fate bringing too young singles together. Marica was and always will be Miklā€™s perfect match. Itā€™s a shame things didnā€™t work out differently, but i believe they had the perfect chemistry together

I dont think so. you are living in your fantasy world.

is tonight coming a goodbey party?

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Since weā€™ve had welcoming parties, it only makes sense for a going away party, especially because Saturdays are party nights for the big 3 to get together

And if there has to be a farewell party, we will have to wait for Indira because he will sometimes want to have a good conversation with :rofl:

Kostja and indira are back Monday or Tuesday

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Mikl wish you good Lyck.