Mikl & Shana


All the best for the futureā€¦Š“Š¾ сŠ²ŠøŠ“Š°Š½Šøя

shana has just arived

shana looks upset

If it doesnā€™t interfere with your personal health and healing, it would be nice if you stopped by to say hi every now and then. Best wishes to you, my friend!

Š“Š¾ сŠ²ŠøŠ“Š°Š½Šøя
(PS did I say it right? :sweat_smile:)


We all know when mikl will leave the houseā€¦ she will have more guest visitsā€¦:smiling_imp::wink:

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More Koen visits

ı have to say this is very unexpected decision

Shana has a heart for everybody. Was there a bridge burned recently? Yes. Can she still feel sorry for his pain and wish him well? I think so from what weā€™ve seen from herā€¦

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I started to think he may leave the project, after walking out on shana for 72 hours

I would think it would be harder on Marica than shana, based on being together longer

Who cares?? :man_facepalming: Heā€™s leaving and itā€™s sadā€¦ :cry: I hope he finds the happiness and healing he is looking for. Everyone deserves to have little happiness in their life.

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he had happiness when he had Shana and Marica in his lifeā€¦ but he threw it all away for his own satisfaction.

I want to thank you for this wonderful poem. I enjoyed reading it very much.
I also want to say thank you to those who like me and who supported me. Guys, you are great that you stopped holding evil on Mikla, he is a good guy, but it turned out the way it turned out and nothing can be done about it.
Sweet dreams my dear friends


Thatā€™s actually not what happened.

Sure, and he said he has made mistakes and is not perfect. Are you trying to say you are only allowed to find happiness once in your life? Come on manā€¦ I would like to believe people are allowed to make mistakes, learn from them and move forward as a better more empathetic and wiser individual.

no you can find happiness in many thingsā€¦ but at one time he had happiness when he had 2 ladies that wanted to be in his life. he gave up one to be with the other oneā€¦ and then made the other one feel like property. and thats not how Poly relationships work. you either treat all involved as equal or you dont have the relationship with either.

He let things go to his head, and personally, if his manager was anyone but, Henry, his treatment of his two girlfriends would have been very different

the comments upset the man, itā€™s better if you donā€™t write anymore

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Yes, he said he has made mistakes and now he is paying and learning from them. I donā€™t understand what you are getting at. He is leaving to work on himself and to better himself. What more do you want from the man??