Mikl & Shana

Data isn’t unlimited unless your phone plan is expensive

Sorry???.What ???

Exactly…and anyway phones receive data from masts not fibreoptic.

Most of the guests I imagine use wifi from the apartment

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Have fun having all of your personal data stolen. I hope you are using a vpn.

I was talking about the disconnected phones which has nothing to do with the fact that the line went down

I meant their internet on their phones is disconnected, because its probably wifi

My point was that phones would not be disconnected as another poster suggested.

Does that mean that Indira is fucked by the whole gang without pay??


Mitchel stay cool, it’s a joke.

OK sorry I translate everything from English to Italian

Keep eyes on JTIKM…if they think they are not being paid they may relocate and that is the nearest.

Nobody is getting money because there’s no views at the moment

Sooooooo my guess is no one has put in a support ticket about their cams going down… :see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Would they not get an average rate as it is not within their remit ??

And the balloons are still every where there

Henry connected them, so he would know what’s up

Just one of those things I guess…H&M turn up and the wifi leaves. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Like I said, I’m sure they all use wifi, so they must know

For now , I am going over to S&T, just to catch up.

So…one of the worlds greatest cities , at the forefront of tech…thinking…if Putin tries to launch a missile , would he have the same problem?