Pinky’s energy of this place must be having an effect
Has she quit again?
I just see this is a halfway place where different people come to stay for a day or three.
The place is now named Merkaba. The questions is who is it? I know Merkaba as the Israelian Main Battle Tank
Close but the tank name is Merkava:rofl:
Yes but the cyrillic “b” is the English “v”
in Hebrew you can use the letter “ב” as b or v so its fine.
What happened to Pinky?
The “Merkaba”, or more correctly Merkabah, has been in our history since the days of Atlantis. It is closely connected to esoteric geometry, to the cosmic geometry of life.
Pinky left the flat because this kind of life in one place is probably not for her. She’s an unbridled element who probably likes to wake up in a different bed every morning.
She told me she doesn’t like the people there. They make her uncomfortable.
She might come back in a small place for her own with her current fuckbuddy