
Before I step away tonight to get some much needed rest, I thought I’d share this about why I love VHTV so much - memories. My favorite participants - Alya, Olivia, Chloe, Ariela, Amelie, Amilee, Kortny, AlienGirl, and that pale-skinned blonde at Kortny’s place whose name nobody seems to know - they all remind me of someone I knew at some time in my life, either in their features or in the way they respond to sex. For me, VHTV is a way to vicariously relive some of the better memories of my long-ago youth and even middle age, and I’m thankful it is here to enjoy. Thinking about this reminded me of that song from the musical “Cats” -
“Memory, all alone in the moonlight /
I can dream of the old days /
Life was beautiful then /
I remember the time I knew what happiness was /
Let the memory live again”
Good night, everyone! :blush: :blush: :blush:

The other one I’m reminded of is from the movie “Gigi,” when Maurice Chevalier and Hermione Gingold remember the last night of their long-ago affair:
“Am I getting old?” / “Oh, no, not you…It warms my heart / to know that you / remember things the way you do” / “Ah, yes / I remember it well”
I’d post a link to the videos of those two songs, but it might v_____e the rules at VHTV, YouTube and TCM. But you can Google them, if you’ve never seen them. :blush: