
No. Just a place for people who have recently taken abstinence pledge :laughing:

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Maybe they are pregnant? :rofl: :rofl:

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Can be. Saw them watching some hot music videos once :laughing:

the girl sitting on the bath tub is insanely beautiful and so is mellania of course

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melania has never fucked with anyone since she got back in stifler apartment ?

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No she has not

OK thank you

Mellania used to roam about naked after and in between sex all the time in Ken’s apt but all of a sudden she has somehow now become the shy one. Apron over bra … seriously ??

She was wild last month when she was at ken apartments but here she has been very calm but im personally fine with that

She got rejected quite a lot in the last few days at Ken’s. Cried a few times as well. Even here she tried with a guy and he left. May be so playing it safe. I want her to succeed here. Kind of find her naive and sweet. But not sure an abstinence apartment will stay for a long time though.

I saw her get rejected by connor in the logia the last time she was at kens and she got rejected by a couple of guys in this apartment and ive even seen stifer bring some ramdom guys here but no luck but i really like her so i dont care i just like to watch her.

Good for you. Keep watching. She will keep getting the views :slightly_smiling_face:

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As long as she keeps bringing guests her apartment is always in the top 6 and that the goal so she dont need to change. :+1:

Agreed. 10 characters.

our bets are open;

nothing happens - 1.50

action - 20.99

if i know this girl it's morning and she goes to bed and goes to s___p without doing anything

Never seen someone so afraid of pussy in my life :rofl: Dude, the girl wants to shag, and you running about throwing water before you make a move.

What the hell is this!

What is this, someone please explain. You do it almost once a year. and everything is under the

Are you fucking kidding with us!, :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage:

it look like a POP Tent


but the earthquake POP tent

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