
I guess that’s enough for Mel for one more year. :sweat_smile: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :sweat_smile:

(Is this house demonic or something, because nothing happened in this house except 1 guest) :upside_down_face: :aries:

I know I’ve not said good things about Stifler in the past but I must say I wish everyone was so attentive to their cameras as he Is. :clap: :smile:


I honestly miss stiff and his ladies he was a odd normal dude seemed like a dude I could go to the bar with

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I have always believed that he was one of the nicest and coolest guys on the site and as always been my favorite guy to watch.



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Forgot to post. Very cute guest who visited a couple of nights ago. Or was it yesterday.



She’s been here quite a few times. Overnight once :heart_eyes:
Very cute :smiling_face:

Yes, I hope we see more of her


lol I hope we see some more of something lol because this is a sad apartment right now

She invites a hot guy, nothing happens, but…

she always invit useless guy she have her hot blond friend with her stupid bf and others but always bring useless guy

If Melania doesn’t fuck him, there is no way he is hot. She tries with almost everybody. And btw he acts and behaves awkward like Ken.

maybe hes gay

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Not gay for sure … bi may be. Because he did kiss and tried to make one with one girl but as usual it didn’t end anywhere.

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the guy with glasses is very annoying i am sure the behaviour of the blond will be different if he was not here

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Is Stiflers cat Bulachka still here?

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The girl is the first 2 pics is very pretty.

Is this a clergy house? :rofl: