Medea (Part 1)

No one is f_____g you to watch, if you don’t like what happens here, then go to a realm that suits your voyeuristic desires :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I know you like her. The guy was just stating his opinion. I don’t think he will watch much if he Really thinks it’s boring. He maybe just trying to poke the bear. :rofl: JMO I’m not to happy to see Golo. Love Medea and Harper… Him not so much. :rofl:

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Ken and company have arrived, this doesn’t bode well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


But no Alyx…

Wasn’t aware he was friends with them when they were in Kazantip-house.

And doesn’t mean that he his :grin:

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I wouldn’t know her if she was here, I only know Ken no idea who the others are


She is maybe still Kens girlfriend…


they have been living in kens apartment for months connor and wynona

…especially in the bedroom :+1:

I’m not a fan of Ken, I just hope he isn’t going to be a regular guest here… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The real Medea did not approve this realm :rofl:



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I agree. :+1:

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From what I’ve seen when I do visit Ken’s place, the guests are more entertaining than he is… :crazy_face:


It’s always been that way as far as I saw. I stopped watching long ago.

Selfie time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wait a Minute and aren’t you the same person that has also commented on Melanie And said hers was boring because she’s not doing nothing in her room

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Melanie left the project a long time ago…

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Nope I mean the girl in stifflers house if I said her name wrong sorry

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I have never made a comment on Melania, Because I don’t watch that realm. And I have never said any realm is boring. :angry:

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