Medea (Part 1)


Yeap… Now Lisbet & Nolan


I haven’t followed this realm for a while, does the girl in Blue have a name?

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@Eldred88221 know better about this realm

Have a nice holiday, Medea :heart:

I think Lisbet is a worthy successor for you. :heart_eyes:

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Hope you have a great vacation Medea can’t wait for u to come back beautiful :hugs:


She didn’t left :joy: She is using her vacations to visit Lisbet & Nolan

Oh I forgot some of the participants say they go on vacation but don’t sorry about :joy::crazy_face:
I saw her in the bed too :joy:

If they were just changing the name, why blank out the apartment map?

They are using a different Realm number, it’s not a continuation of the same Realm with just a name change (basically a new Realm)

Because it’s quite difficult to do copy + paste of the jpg to the new realm houseplan :grin:

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She packed a lot of things. She will move out soon

Thanks for the update got ya :+1:

She will be getting he own Realm, of course she packed. :crazy_face:

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That is correct. She will get a new apartment.


I would have to question her judgment if she was getting a new Realm and didn’t pack anything.


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She even packed her realm number so Nolan got a new one :joy:

Now that’s tidy and not easy to do. Packing a Realm number to take with you. Where do you think she put it :question:

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The realm number is the only thing she has packed so far. :wink:

Maybe there with the giant duck :stuck_out_tongue: :joy: