Medea (Part 1)

Apartment quickly for Connor and Goldie.

And why not one for connor and other for goldie??? :rofl: :rofl:

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Goldie is certainly having fun now she is not tied to anyone… :grinning:

carlos gonna come and complain about them doing it in the dark

Since the birth all she did was having fun. Even Junior the a___er went there :rofl: :rofl:

Fixed for you :yum::yum:

Finley is trying to look as if he is not concerned that Goldie has given him the elbow and is banging away with Conor…:rofl: :rofl:

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why do you think the managers sent her to this apartment shes the only one there providing any sexual content on a regular basis

The others have now left.

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They are pretty useless anyways…

everybody fucked goldie

i have one question,

what happend between conor and goldie? did they just want to have sex like that? are they fucking just for fun?she was searching for a new dick?

She discovered that he have a dick and he discovered that she have a pussy

Yeah apparently not even tied to her kid. :cry:

medea should take notes :eyes:

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Also hopefully Connor can bring Roxanne now as he is not bound to anyone too :joy:

You’re starting to sound like Grandpa Victor…

Sorry I’ve been watching Henry lately :joy:

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i was not being serious :man_facepalming: