Medea (Part 1)

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Such a treat to see Alana again.

Just carry on regardless, :rofl:

And while they’re at it, someone comes in to take a crap! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

she has been all over this guy since he came :eyes:


I love the way the blonde chick tries soooo hard NOT to notice them :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: At least Goldie isn’t falling down _____ like the last time I saw her do it in a shower!!!

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So good to see Goldie being sober and enjoying life

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Everybody in the kitchen while Goldie gets fucked in the bathroom! :laughing:


Is Medea thinking of being unfaithful to Sawyer??? :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

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And besides Goldie being completely wasted (normal for how many times she`s been outside with Scott), so good to see that Alrik has stopped using baking powder for this stomach as well :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Nee is zeker geen d__gs
maar is wel opgesnoven

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just my opinion but i think its inevitable that it will happen in this type of environment its just a matter of when, maybe even tonight

But this guy is Medea’s friend and he visited many times…

Scott appear and d__gs appears…

Think Which One GIF by Nick Jonas

Well, Alrik has a history as well :wink:

That’s why he was trying to shoosh Scott then whisper to him while looking at Alana

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when i used to watch this apartment on a regular basis i always thought somethings going on between them and they just gone offcam

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And the greedy one left nothing for the others. :rofl:

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Course he have, and his history is there… That dude connects a lot of these kids “histories”