Medea (Part 1)

That’s not going to happen - didn’t happen with Wayne/Gojo, hasn’t happened with anyone else since Sawyer left, and it isn’t going to happen with Junior. Medea is totally committed to Sawyer, and all of this speculation about her and her guests is utter nonsense.

Even if Medea was looking for a sexual partner which she is not, Junior would be the last person on planet Earth she would have sex with.

Junior is probably the last person on planet earth ANYONE would want to have sex with unless they were so _____ they didn’t care or didn’t know what was going on. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Deze is ook hopeloos op zoek naar … hopelijk niet naar Lyla :nauseated_face:

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Medea, trying to fix the door knob. Scott’s glue gun will work much better :stuck_out_tongue:

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Het proberen waard Finley , zet hem op

I haven’t watched this place since the cat drama, so I’m behind on the news. Do we know what happened to Teresa and Goldie or where they are now?

Nope lol many have tried and failed she only cares about one guy


Woooo bellissimo💯

Three nice pussies, :smile:


Hopefully,Goldie is with her c___d :heart_eyes:

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I don’t know I’m pretty sure you could give him a run for his money…

He’s had sex with some of the hottest girls on this site.including Lyla ,Sigita, Veronique
Just to name a few :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep very true.


Je zal toch moeten andere trucks gebruiken Finley om sex te hebben met Medea .
Je hebt wel van alles geprobeerd , maar niets lukte .
Medea is trouw aan haar vriend :stuck_out_tongue:

Lookie, lookie, who is back! It’s Blondie for sure! She’s my favorite, I’ve been missing her.
She seems to be happy, It will be interesting to see, if she’ll s___p together again with Junior
and if they will repeat “the same procedure as last time”?
:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :thinking: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Finley is hier ook nog


Goldie is too hot as always.:fire::fire::fire: