Medea (Part 1)

Junior with Goldie…… @John78 :joy::joy:

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Surprise, surprise! I almost couldn’t believe this! Goldie and Junior, what an amazing couple!
Sometimes VHTV really succeeds in surprising me. (By the way, Goldie has for a long time been one of my favorites.) :astonished: :astonished: :roll_eyes: :thinking: :worried: :zipper_mouth_face:


It’s getting to be a bit sad now tbh… :worried:

This is not the first time lol they did it under the covers in Scott’s old apartment when she was blonde which in term got the name goldie anyway he was one of the first

lol you mean I know something that you don’t know lol :joy: wow :star_struck: I feel special but yes if they still have it in archives it was in the kazoo house or what ever it was called

Happy Kazoo GIF by Dark Igloo

You know what I mean lol :joy:

Goldie scr____g the bottom of the barrel, she must be desperate :frowning_face:

Been scrapping the barrel since her return to VHTV… :cry:

Things must be hard when you start sifting through the used tabbies to get a couple more draws from it :rofl:

I always thought Junior was a butt man. :sweat_smile:

Quit Smoking GIF by Kev Lavery

That’s correct, actually Goldie .which when she had that beautiful blonde hair
Was the perfect name for her. She was only with 2 guys one being Bubba J and Spider-Man Webster .then Stiff. But she’s made up for it since.
Her best two moments .when she was _____ falling down the stairs
And of course losing her panties. Hilarious :laughing: she’s a doll :heart_eyes:

Have you noticed that Stiffler has not been seen in any apartment since Goldi moved in.

In addition, Goldi was not outside the apartment to see the c___d. One might think she is a single woman without obligations.

If you were mean, you could say that Goldi has relieved the pressure on Junior, that he does not always have to do manual operation in the shower.

Yes,that’s sad :disappointed:. I hope we’ll for the c___d’s welfare :heart_eyes:

Yes I forgot about him lol it was her and another girl that night right??

All I can say is Goldie must have been desperate for cock and she didn’t care whose it was!:rofl:

Fill your boots Junior!:joy:

Stop tagging me here, i don’t watch :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

If you put it on mute mate you don’t see any tags :+1: I’ve got a few like that