Medea (Part 1)

Lets see if Ingrid makes a play for Teresa…then we’ll know… :rofl: :rofl:

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Well Ben turning up have ruined that game… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who is blonde guy…?

Oh no false alarm both there now :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Is that called phone sex now? :thinking: :laughing:

Nice view Ingrid :heart_eyes:


Look who has turned up

Lol this place is a refugee camp for people from offline apartments :joy:

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Yup! Would appear to be. :rofl: :rofl:

This place?? I thought that was a VH rule considering that happens all the time everywhere

Is this a hairless cat? it looks weird.

It is a cat race called Sphynx, and they are hairless. For everyone that likes to cuddle and pat a furry and purring cat, it may seem weird. I’m like that too, but I still think Sphynx cats are cute anyway :smiley:

I have an allergy to cats. So are those cats good for people like me ?

Sorry to hear about your allergy. I have no idea if it’s only the hair that makes people who are allergic to cats react. You’ll have ask someone else about this.


Check this link out, hopefully it will help, it might surprise you that most have fur. 10 Best Cat Breeds for People With Allergies - Pumpkin®

Disregard this comment. I’m a dumb, dumb…

“People with cat allergies are really allergic to proteins in the cat’s saliva, urine, and dander (dried flakes of skin).” -WebMD

So stop _____ing cats piss :rofl: :rofl: 2