Medea (Part 1)

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Well, at least the cats got fed earlier today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:

Eventually, looked like it was about time. Just hoping this does not develop any further :neutral_face:


ça mange X2/jours un cat?

indoor cat needs only approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of food each day

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Golide and Teresa shared half a bottle of vodka and went to bed at 11pm, now they are offline


combien de degrés le vodka?

since it opened this apartment goes offline a lot not a big deal

je viens de voir que la vodka commence a 37.5 degrés . ça doit chauffé le cerveau!

Online again!

Nee nog niet

Yes, and someone came to the door, so they went offline. Became an argument between Teresa and the man who came. They had a little chat in the kitchen when they came back online and now they’re back in bed

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The girl in the couch is possessed??? She is punching the head with out any reason
 3:05 am its the time frame. :confounded: :japanese_ogre: :confounded:

Is Teresa okay cause her head is going back and forth
This is the 2nd time I saw her do that I hope she’s okay :pray:

She always did that
 I remember at time Kaya saying that is an health issue, but don’t remember the name.

Search by “s___p head banging”

U can see that every night or at any time when she is s___ping

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peut-ĂȘtre quand elle rĂȘve!

I mean it would be stronger the more she’s been _____ing before

My cat strongly disagrees with this statement. :joy_cat:

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Is this your cat? :rofl: :rofl:

Cats should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. But a breakfast, lunch, afternoon, dinner, and right before bed schedule is an equally great option. If more than 12 hours elapses between meals, the stomach can become hyper-acidic causing nausea.

At a minimum, a cat’s total daily food intake should be divided into two meals, but more (up to six!) is better.

A cat’s stomach is only as big as a ping pong ball.

It’s easy to see why feeding more small meals throughout the day can work best for your cat’s physiology and instinctual needs. And just like people, cats get HANGRY.

Going too long without eating can cause stress and sometimes even aggression toward people or other pets. A light meal every 6–8 hours is the perfect solution.

Most veterinarians recommend that cats eat primarily wet food. The higher water content in wet foods can help treat or prevent kidney and lower urinary tract disease as well as obesity and all its associated health problems.

Beware Feeding Your Cat Both Dry and Canned Food

The fastest way to get and maintain an overweight cat is to feed both canned and dry food. Even if a cat has just filled up on dry food, most will readily pack in any canned food offered (or vice versa).

Feeding Chart for Cats (by Weight)

Weight (lbs) Daily Calories Cups of Food (oz) Wet Food (oz)
1 25 0.4 0.6
5 125 2 3
10 250 4 6
15 375 6 9
20 500 8 12

You can calculate how much food your cat needs based on its weight. Your cat’s ideal healthy weight will determine how many calories they need a day. An adult cat requires about 25 calories per pound of body weight. An 8 oz cup of dry food averages in at about 500 calories. So, if we estimate that the average ten-pound cat needs about 250 calories per day, the average cat will need about 1/3 – 1/2 of a cup of food, maybe less if your cat is particularly lazy.

Most cats average between 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg). Anything over 12 pounds (5.4 kg) would be considered overweight, unless the cat is a Maine Koon cat kind of cat, which tend to be larger and heavier than the average cat. Of course, there are other large cat breeds, as well.

I hope this is helpful.