Medea (Part 1)

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Teresa’s guy stopped and didn’t want any more
She started to cry and then he left the room

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I don’t know, but he came very early and maybe she said something about what hurt him.
He is leaving now

What an asshole! She takes off her panties and the idiot stops. But before that he did it with vehemence, unbelievable

Medea, it’s not the cats’ fault that they eat the food that YOU LEFT OUT AND UNCOVERED!! That was unbelievably mean and sadistic how you treated that poor cat for YOUR mistake. You should be disciplining yourself, not the cats.
:angry: :angry: :angry:

un couvercle aurait suffit!


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Step 1: check that she is as___p

Step 2: test the water

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Step 3: make sure she does her bit

Step 4: since it’s been mutual, don the camouflage, lube up and a___e

Edit: I have removed the video following request for it to be emailed for “private collection”. These posts were to highlight a___e, and were not intended as a training manual, despite the sarcastic step-by-step approach!

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