Medea (Part 1)

Medea is a smart girl. She most likely doesn’t want to be stalked on the forum or have her inbox stuffed full of creepy questions from lecherous old men. :sweat_smile:

Are you referring to yourself? :thinking: :rofl:

No I’m not old. :see_no_evil:

Wanner komt Naya nog eens op bezoek ?

Never I bet

Naya supposedly told VHTV she wants to go back and asked Medea to invite her back, but none of the “kids” who have hung out here in the past have been back since that incident as far as I can tell - only older folks who are apparently older friends of Medea. I really think Medea wants to change her “image” from “patron saint of horny teenagers” (so to speak) to “responsible adult.” Only time will tell.

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This should scare the viewers away… :rofl: :grimacing:



Christ its the crow
The Crow Movie GIF

Ben visiting again.

I just noticed that @Ken posted a like to my earlier comment. Wonder if that is a confirmation of what I said. :thinking:

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Извини, случайно поставил лайк

Now that’s a right angle, if I’ve ever seen one. 90 degrees of Medea’s legs :joy: :heart_eyes:

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Medea is rijp voor in het klooster te gaan en non te worden , en als ze ouder wordt kan ze gaan voor moederoverste .
Nochtans is Medea één van de mooiste jonge dames hier in VHTV .

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That’s okay - we all do that sometimes.


Begin hier toch wel medelijden ( met de lange ij ) met dit appartement .
Val hier eens niets te beleven .
Vanaf dat er hier sex komt , krijgen ze van mij 200 munten ( krijgt geen week de tijd )

Again Ben is here.