Mattress company sponsor

I think VHTV is missing out on a great business opportunity. It is not unusual to see the majority of the participant spending a lot (and I mean a lot) of their time in bed. Why don’t they get a mattress company to sponsor the company? In all seriousness it astounds me at how much time these people spend on their bed. The inactivity is surely not good for them. I am aware that these are not normal people and are paid to stay in the apartments so we can perv but hey surely, they can find some activities other than lying in bed. I have never seen a participant do any exercises like pushups, sit-ups etc. Never seen any of them put on running gear and go out for a jog. The food some of them eat is unhealthy and hell I won’t even get into some of them personal hyenine. They are well aware they are being watched. Just my thoughts.

lol this is a good idea VHTV make that money or even VHTV Sponsored condoms

It certainly gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘lying down on the job’, doesn’t it?!! :laughing:

I’m afraid we’ll have to sponsor the mattress manufacturer ourselves.

Maybe sponsor Red Bull or Nepresso so the particpants get some new energy :rofl: :wink:

The first one ‘gives you wings’ apparently. Do we really want participants flying around their apartments?!! :laughing:

Ever heard of product placement?

Of course I’ve heard about product placement. But here, rather, manufacturers of duvet covers or pillows would come up.

PLEASE do targeted produce placement

Meanwhile VHTV apartments with targeted product placement:

acting green screen GIF by The Comeback HBO

VHTV Sponsored condoms and Energy _____s next :rofl::rofl:

I think the forum lads might be onto something, I’ve certainly found myself fighting the urge to buy more mobile phones since resubbing. :yum:

I don’t think even getting them to sit on a live electrical cable will be enough to energise them. :electric_plug: :astonished: :rofl:

Maybe heat the floor underneath them :rofl: :innocent:

You people have lost your freaking minds. Gotta love the total disrespect to the whole genre of voyeurism coming from the site staff. It’s pitiful.

care to elaborate?

it’s interesting

You may not get an answer as this was Amy’s account, Amy asked to be removed from the forum, that is why it is now showing up as anon11413635.

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They don’t need sponsored mattress, they need sponsored shampoo. Fuckin A, greasy people everywhere. Ew!

Damn! @Alli you really had to make an effort to get that one. I can always count on you lover boy. Where are you going to take me out too after you finish your work here? I’m hungry.