Hello @Marianthi . How are you tonight? It’s great to see your house. I’m wondering something. In the past, your friends used to visit your house, but you haven’t had any guests in your new house yet. Since you moved to a different country, don’t you have any friends in this country?
This couple seem to have the right attitude and spirit. Tempted to rejoin.
She’s Hot as fuck in every way
avec le charisme que le couple a ils vont en avoir. Ce sont mes anges préférer
I hope you’re not mad at me because of this message of mine. Your home is one of my favourite houses and I am very happy to watch you. Take care of yourself @Marianthi
Marianthi et Magny
Passez une belle nuit et a demain. Marianthi prend soin de toi tendresse

@Marianthi, if I may please offer a small piece of advice. I’m no expert when it comes to exercising or stretching, etc., but the Mayo clinic is. They are the number one hospital in the world.
When I was studying karate I used to be able to do the splits straight out to the sides, and I read up about stretching. The most important thing I learned was, when you stretch you should not bounce because it causes micro tears in the muscles which are more difficult to heal.
That was a good while ago, so I double checked it with the Mayo clinic and this is what they said. Here’s just an excerpt from the article.
"Don’t bounce. Stretch in a smooth movement, without bouncing. Bouncing as you stretch can injure your muscle and actually contribute to muscle tightness.
Hold your stretch. Breathe normally and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; in problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds.
Don’t aim for pain. Expect to feel tension while you’re stretching, not pain. If it hurts, you’ve pushed too far. Back off to the point where you don’t feel any pain, then hold the stretch."
Stretching: Focus on flexibility
I hope this is helpful.
Marianthi, I love your sexy feet
She has great legs
tout sur elle est beau
Bonjour a toi Aleria de la belle visite

Chan est pas la ? @Marianthi et dit bonjour a la belle Aleria. Qui est la fille avec vous
@Marianthi Good luck in the playing card game. We support you . Are you going to play on Playstaion? I miss your games so much
Marianthi et Magni merci
J’ai passez une belle soirée courte mais belle et nous avons pue revoir Aleria

A quick visit! But great to see Areria with you guys again. Hope there are more visits to come
@Marianthi I see you a little sad tonight. I hope I’m wrong. I hope you will always be happy. Take care of yourself🥰