Marianthi and Magni: from about 20:00 18/11/2024 to 02:00 19/11/2024

New Archive Request:

There was some actions between two couples (massage,soft making out, selfie, playing card, dancing) that I missed, because I just saw some pics on the apartment topic at that time, it makes me curious

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You have to specify a certain time frame of what you want to get saved. MOs can not research a time frame and select what seems interesting. I saved a massage part, parts of your request have already expired.
Request is considered resolved. Greetings

Maybe from 01:30 to 3:00 on 19.11, when they was massaging and making out. Thanks

I thought this kind of moments like this will automatically archived on system, that why I decided to subscribe premium again

There was another massaging part, that I saved. (starts 01:45)

Yes Thanks so much

No, it has to be done manually by the MOs.

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