Marcel & Flora

We’ve already seen shoes fly before!

That has pee on it doesn’t it? :thinking: :cry:

when he has no water… he has to _____ something

and the shoe was not very good for him

he just pooped and now he is eating it…


But @Flora is at home… just busy with something else

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The poor little FOO. :anguished: :sob: :sob:

I wonder if they could buy an automatic feeder? Then FOO wouldn’t have to eat his own :poop: if he gets hunger while Flora is busy.


well… before they fucked, they should have looked after the dog

It usually is only a couple minutes. So maybe they thought FOO would be ok to wait for a little bit.

yeah, but she cleaned up and just went back to bed?
well… when Dennis can deliver two times, she has to take it, does not happen often lately :slight_smile:

she is just _____, that is the reason she did not look after Foo.

so Foo can be glad that she did not find the shoe yet


Bon Appetit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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yes, a _____ woman is an angel in bed :wine_glass:

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Flora _____? :astonished:

This must be a first if i remember right…

I remember more…


Maybe some normal food would be good for Foo
That way he does not have to eat his own stool

Did he eat it? It’s still there

EDIT: well he’s definitely having a taste now :rofl:

Maybe hé had enough now, he did it several times, that was also the reason for his diarrhea

Well, she is awake, cleaned up the mess , and Foo pees next to the feest pad, she did not notice yet…

Just curious how it smells over there

After 15 minutes :joy::joy:

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