Marcel & Flora

Personally, I hope we get an Isidor bachelor realm soon!


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Flora, I have a question for you. I’m not one to judge a dog owner, I really can’t as I’ve never owned one. But I have noted a number of negative comments. Now I don’t know how often he has actual gone on the pad :man_shrugging: But when he has have you told him “good boy” and shown him some love every time you see him use it? And give him a small treat? I’m just thinking that that "if’ you do he might learn this is a good thing to do. It’s only a suggestion on my part.

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In a couple of hours the realm will be online: Cinderella and Isidor :smiling_face:

That does make perfect sense to do it that way, for sure.

The stick is not the best way to train any a____l in my opinion. This is an ole straight dude, but happy gay pride month to you (and my brother and d______r)! I have no prejudices, as I always say if I don’t like someone I don’t like them as an individual because their a ugly person inside. I love everyone on an equal opportunity basses.

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In principle you are right in what you wrote.
However, it will be all the more difficult to break the habit of the dog later when it is no longer a puppy.

But if this method is combined with regular walks (rather like Lukas was talking about in one of his previous posts), surely this would show the dog what needs to happen…and where.

Well, a puppy should actually be housebroken after about 4 months.
However, if he is “rewarded” during this time when he does his business in the apartment, it will certainly take longer.

Goodmorning sunshine :heart_eyes:


Flora with a lovely smile :yum:



Flora :heart_eyes:


Why do most of these girls look like this? :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes:

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A new Cinderella topic? No more premature ejaculation please?

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I don’t see why she even has a dog. She doesn’t love him. She doesn’t even like him. She has no room for a pet or anything as she only cares for herself.

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I know they have different levels of participation at the moment but personally I’m chuffed to bits that we have Flora, Inga, Cinderella, Queen and Aphrodite all available to see on the website at the same time. And i don’t mean to say just those five, it’s just that before it seemed like when one came, another went

looks like Dennis doesn’t need to come back… :sweat_smile: :joy:

If i was him, I’d be giving the boss any old excuse to get out of work and then hope that he isn’t a subscriber