Marcel & Flora



Are you OK @carlos This is the second post I have seen from you today with no complaints, I hope you are not sick!

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I also give of compliments, but few people read these posts



Just looked at your recent posts there is around 20 complaints of no lights and that’s just in the last 12 hours

it still astounds me how you haven’t been banned or at least silenced for your constant negativity and harassment towards the participants and guests especially when others have been for far less over a shorter time period then you have been doing this for

Once again, they only read and see what they want to see, I am also surprised by the lack of tolerance they show, and the attempt to censor opinions
You also say a lot of things every day, which I don’t agree with and find ridiculous, and I never said anything



:cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_lightning:



Ну что, друзья, время сообщить вам, что 14 февраля я покидаю проект :pleading_face: Так что пока есть еще чуть больше двух недель
-я буду радовать вас. Спасибо за ваше внимание, понимание и то что выбрали меня и смотрите за мной. Люблю вас 🩷


Really will hate to see you go. But you have a life to live in happiness and not being watched every minute… Take care sweet lady. You will be missed, because you are one of the few that communicate with viewers. Thank you for being you.

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One thing to be sure to do. Give us a lot of your beautiful smile in facials before you leave.


On valentines Day … :sob:

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Do you hear Wedding bells approaching?

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Dommage. Flore et Ariella sont les plus belles femmes de VHTV.

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Indeed Flora is Gorgeous Special that is also a strong Woman Captain on her ship But every Woman has something special nothing is perfect so that there to be balance in life


Of course I accept your decision. Because everyone should do what they think is right.
Nevertheless, the news is bad news for a Sunday. I regret this decision very much, because you are a very pretty and watchable person. And I’ve never found you boring to watch. You will leave a very, very big gap at Vhtv.
I wish you all the best and love for the rest of your life, maybe I will see you somewhere as a guest, that would be nice. :heart: :hugs: :heart:


Can’t believe my eyes. Hottie Dennis is doing something other than on his mobile. :fire:

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Good luck in your life beautiful lady. Knock every door in this life and you will be good.


I’m saddened by the news but wish Flora the best. I doubt that we will find another quite like her but I certainly hope VHTV try :sweat_smile:. I look forward to seeing what the next 2 weeks hold


Jesus Christ you are such an incredible drama queen

why don’t you just do like others?
pull the plug (you have done that often enough) and then just have “left the project” added to your name?

or do you despise that half the forum will fall to their knees to beg for you to please stay?
You can inform that handful who still like you on other channels

and why two and a half weeks in advance?
you’ve said so many times that you were going to leave

Please take your dearly beloved boyfriend too, he sure will not be missed either

animation domination lol GIF by gifnews

thank you for the flaggs @John78 and friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Tazmin