Marcel & Flora

Belle Kerri Cinderella Lyla Aderyn Ceres Conner Yan

Don’t forget about Hope. I think Hope was one of @jabbath1987’s favorites. :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Most want to see Belle , Aylin , elena and not sure if Delilah was your guest but she was in this apartment!

Oh so you are the authority on what everyone wants most now
 :roll_eyes: Just be a man and admit that is what you want most. No need to try and make excuses for your own selfish desires.

Would love to see the hot guys that doesn’t visit anymore.

Oh yes, complete with syringe for the authentic squirts, what a joke. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hilarious.!!!
All just fake fake fake

Oh please bring Yan and Juliana!!

Will be big fun!!

No comparison, Juliana has been Flora’s best guest. She used to jerk off Yan for hours and never once complained.

Oh do you mean like Bubba? :thinking:

Whatever u want to do and invite is fine with me can’t wait to see ur beauty grace our screens once again :hugs:

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the slave guy would be fun also!



Vielleicht ist das ein sensibles Thema, aber ich wĂŒrde mich ĂŒber Inga sehr freuen. Auch Belle, Ingrid Cherry und Antoinette wĂ€ren schön.

None of them will be possible. You need to go a lot more back in time (last year)

Maybe Yan or Otto and Lola but unfortunately they left the project

Diana :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

zou graag eens Muse , Roisin of Lola terug zien

maybe go talk to the girl whose name cannot be mentioned?
she was also great, it’s a pity that it caused so much fuss for you, but I would love to see her again

We still don’t know what happened there. Her and her boyfriend were great i miss them.

Maybe @John78 knows? because there must be a story to it when he puts a thumb down


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Yes i saw the thumbs down and was wondering the same thing as to why.