Maks & Lastochka, Liya Anomalia

The skin varies in thickness from .5 mm on your eyelids to 4 mm thick on the heels of your feet. That’s not very thick, as there are 25.4 mm to an inch, and that’s only on the heels of your feet.

I just showed this to a nurse. In her opinion, it should be stitched, treated, and bandaged.

I don’t know who this is, but it should not be taken lightly or go unseen by a trained, medical professional.

2 days ago she had a bandage on her right thigh as well. Looks like marks after whipping to me! :thinking: JMO

Where there is no skin there is nothing to stitch. The only way is to wait til the skin grows back. Changing of bandage with desinfection she did.

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Whipping or self cutting.

Fortunately there is this couple in the apartment, to be able to see images shared in this way, they are the only ones


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But I am also worried about the injuries,she also have in the leg


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It looks like the skin is separated from being cut, but not missing. Stitches would pull it back together and close it up, which would help to prevent infection.

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If that’s the case yes. To me it rather looked like the skin is missing there.


In addition to medical help, the girl needs psychological help as well.

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If this is self inflicted for sure. Maybe @Mari as the manager should take a look there?

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@ jabbath 1987 habe im schon Angeschrieben.

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You can see this cut is placed where a previous cut was, along with other previous cuts in the area. They really will not stitch wounds open more than 24 hrs to prevent stitching in infection. With the healed cuts on her legs and all I would say this girl has indeed got problems.


I think the same.


No chance they will sticth it after 24 hrs they will probably use paper stitches or they use a glue depends on where u live

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That’s certainly a possibility, but even so, the edges could be pulled back together with stitches, or maybe another method.

That’s a fair point. I checked with a different nurse who said it looked like it could be stitched, and confirmed your point about not stitching in infection.


No matter what it is a professional should take a look there. Fully agree

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There have been a lot of “cutters” on vhtv in the past for some reason.

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Both are nice looking guys, for sure. :slight_smile:

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Cassia Duscht.

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Enterprise @Kirk

Captain, are there any problems? :thinking:

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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