Lust House

Well that is why she needs some training :rofl:

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Nice girl, funny guys. :rofl:

I’ll give the house two hours until it burns

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only the elders know her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They will wheel in a Lada convertible. O sorry that is a skip.

I wonder what emoji is going through his mind… :person_cartwheeling:

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I wonder if Stifler ever daydreams and realizes, “Boy if I had just used condoms, I would still be fucking many different women but now I look like a lonely creepy man that has a baby and baby mama at home waiting for me”

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I was wondering the same thing - when I saw her name on this thread I jumped at the chance to see her again - instead there’s Airik and Alana, Medea and Sawyer, that idiot Stiffer and a few others, but no Jaz. But I don’t mind flipping around to find her, because it’s gold when I do.

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@jabbath1987 knows everyone he’s got pictures of everyone on his bedroom wall, one wall in particular saved for pictures of CandyRed :rofl: :rofl:

So we need A&A visiting each time so the house lives up to its name?


What is this new apartment supposed to represent? The pool is actually a car,
placement of cams is arbitrary and mostly lousy, the mysterious Jazmin
didn’t show up the whole night, poor Ken is alone in his bedroom, the guests
left early leaving only the grand old man Stifler alone in the livingroom!!!
Congratulations and good luck, you’ll need it!
:shushing_face: :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :woozy_face: :worried: :anguished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

And who are A&A, A_____lics Anonymous? :laughing:

Alana & Alrik :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

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Hah Ken said the pool will be added soon…

Inside it is okay. Outside a lot of improvements needed

Yeah wonder where she is :joy:

He has to find a girl for sure

Pretty sure he has to go home soon…

Let’s see. At the moment can only get better.

I don’t get the a&a hype train never have


Lol we all think he banged angel in there can @Ken confirm or deny that?


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wtf …why this bad edited pic?

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