Lust House

Agreed Faye is :heart_eyes::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::fire:


I really don’t know what he is doing here at all.

She came to visit the Lust House for half an hour, changed pants and left with a purple dildo in her pocket.

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Somebody get this poor kitten something to eat, it must be desperate trying to feed from his nipple :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Jazmin doesn’t look happy. She is impassive. She puts on clothes as if she has to work in the sex fabric. Hopefully she didn’t end up with a pimp because of her d__gs and now she has to be used for some kind of sex service. That’s why she took the dildo with her. I hope it’s just a false fallacy on my part.

Jaz enjoying a topless play in the pool… :heart_eyes:


But she doesn’t look fit, but her figure is awesome.

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The ghetto mobile & crew :joy:

Cab driver? Driver for escort service?

D__gs need funding. It’s such a shame about sweet Jazmin. Actually everyone who is dependent. But thank God there are enough offers of help. Hopefully also in Russia and for Jazmin.

Well, I guess we get to watch Sawyer dance :upside_down_face:
and Ken in his stupid outfit for days! Boring!!!

That is a a Lada Granta :see_no_evil:


The two new girls visited before?


blondie is back. one of Connors’s ex :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

She never got a name?

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i was thinking I named her something. too many damn girls
I thought it was Nadine .something like that

Well she can get a name when she does something interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

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she had sex with Aiden and Connor both.almost at the same time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: