Agreed Faye is
I really don’t know what he is doing here at all.
She came to visit the Lust House for half an hour, changed pants and left with a purple dildo in her pocket.
Jazmin doesn’t look happy. She is impassive. She puts on clothes as if she has to work in the sex fabric. Hopefully she didn’t end up with a pimp because of her d__gs and now she has to be used for some kind of sex service. That’s why she took the dildo with her. I hope it’s just a false fallacy on my part.
But she doesn’t look fit, but her figure is awesome.
Cab driver? Driver for escort service?
D__gs need funding. It’s such a shame about sweet Jazmin. Actually everyone who is dependent. But thank God there are enough offers of help. Hopefully also in Russia and for Jazmin.
Well, I guess we get to watch Sawyer dance
and Ken in his stupid outfit for days! Boring!!!
That is a a Lada Granta
The two new girls visited before?
She never got a name?
i was thinking I named her something. too many damn girls
I thought it was Nadine .something like that
Well she can get a name when she does something interesting
she had sex with Aiden and Connor both.almost at the same time