Lust House

Guests got bored waiting for pool. They left.

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They’re coming back in 3 weeks when it’s full :rofl: :rofl:

Looks like Ben left too. but never took Faye with him… :rofl: :rofl:

That soon… :rofl: :rofl:

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Yippee, finally they got the POOL! But so far the participants don’t seem to be very excited
about it. I’m still hoping for a wild pool party (all night long :rofl:)!

Door handle restored

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Ben is high or what…. still he didn’t learn from his past mistake…:expressionless:


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That pool is already fucking people


Ben :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

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Regreso Ben, que bueno verlo bien…

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Wayne (and I) make it seem suspicious. It’s not chewing gum nor s___ping tablets, but Faye did feel bad.

Guess he didn’t learn a thing…
Perhaps on next time he won’t be so lucky

drag race d__gs GIF

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You get what you pay for.when you buy a kiddie pool used
For grown adults . Scott need to come and bring the glue gun
We have a bad leak!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looks to be in good shape.for now :grinning:


0623 Faye and Ben left

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And if they are what we think then taking them with a_____l won’t help.

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Like always when you set up a pool it will be fooking freezing, and if they did put any chemicals in it best to leave it a while, chlorine burns are not funny.

Practising their dogging technique :rofl: :rofl:

I hope he doesn’t come back with that sword, young pissheads and swords do not mix

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That’s why he kept wearing those sunglasses….:sunglasses::crazy_face:

Getting there, give it another 24 hours and it should be full!:+1: