
40 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion about maths

Getting very technical tonight i fancy with Mr P’s theorum :rofl:

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Only ‘slightly’?!! :laughing:

Fox Tv Truth GIF by Almost Family FOX

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Round #3


Must be a poltergeist stacking the chairs :scream:

Nope, it was Luchik himself …


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I know, just wanted to get into the Halloween spirit (pun not intended) :ghost:

Oh…‘spirit’…I see what you did there! :slight_smile:

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Nice to see you today Foxy…where is my cyber friend Luchik? OOPs there he is and look so good all nude…must be really cold there?

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Yes, today is really cold, we are frozen and take a closet. By the way, I’m a little sick, and tomorrow I need go to the work :frowning:

Get well soon!

A lot of ghosts hanging around in some places :wink:


Thank you))

I thought this was quite cute

hope u r well real soon…

Thank you)))) Luchik like it

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Thank you))) I will))) by the way, today about 6-7 o’clock the big party become to the realm71 . I will be there(;

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