
And they didn’t find out yet that they have a bedroom

Well Luchik did use it the other night but no, it doesn’t seem they want to, very much, at the moment.

I’ve noticed this a lot on VHTV that even though they have a nice big bedroom with a double bed a lot of them s___p in the livingroom most nights.

I wonder if this is a Russian thing or a camera/VHTV thing.

Or maybe aTV thing.

It’s a Lazy thing

When you are too lazy to go s___p in your bed, then you know you have majored in laziness :grinning:

It’s a cute ‘thing’ (reference to Luchik), now that the view has been improved with the camera behind the couch. :slight_smile:

First reason to do this is noise. Usually living room has a balkony (= 6 layers of glass), and bedroom has only window (= 3 layers of glass). So the street noise is less heard in the living room.
In some +7 apartments living room has air conditioning and bedroom do not, so it is more comfortable to s___p in living room in this case.

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Looks like someone is ready.


It’s always nice to see such a view but damn, these cameras are so far away to the action. Smaller apartments are always better.

I addressed this issue with participant Markus (from realm 39) who I think was the one who went in and altered the view of the camera behind the sofa here. He said there isn’t a zoom feature (I asked him specifically about this) on the cameras …so I am not sure if the distance issue can be rectified, in this case. :frowning:

I would think it should be fairly easy to move the cam I’ve circled further along the wall so it is nearer the couch.

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Yes, moving the camera(s) seems to be the logical solution here. I hope it happens.

:yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :money_mouth_face: :sunglasses: :heart_eyes: I love it. Men naked.

It appeared that (at the time) he had no-one there to be “ready” for. :frowning:
I hope that situation changed soon enough, thereafter.

He doesn’t need anyone there to to be ready for. He should just carry on on his own.

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I’d willingly help him, otherwise! :slight_smile:

Could be some great action if they did it on the rug/old carpet imo… with Arteya/Marina that is (I thought the ladies name always comes first).

I think as a rule they want the shot to include what’s showing on the TV where possible, they do watch a bit of it in this apartment.

Is this guest girl the guy’s sister or something?

So Marina seems to have packed bags and left for some days again.

Any guesses to what she does?

I spotted her in a full uniform with pantyhose when she was at Sunny & Markus apartment. Very unusual as she dresses so casually normally (she often shares her boyfriend’s clothes).

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