Not sure if this belongs here. When I login to the forum, I get someone else account
What you mean? You log in and you are logged in as anybody else? Can you please send me a screenshot of that via private message?
Maybe you think it’s not your account cause of random nickname? If you’ve subscribed yesterday for 90 days then everything is okay and this is your profile
If you’re still sure you’re owner of another account, please contact us via support page or PM me with your relevant credentials
Well cool if that’s the case you may have all the cams
That may be reason, however, I already had a nickname and an account. Do I still have to change it?
ff they aren’t paid for now, then no need to worry. Maybe you just used another email while making a payment. No need to change anything, maybe only avatar so that your account is easier to remember for all of us;)
I changed the username but I lost all the “Awards” from my previous username “mjunk354”. Can you combine them? I don’t know why a new account was created since I used the same info as before.
Looks like I’ve found your old profile -
New account was really created cause you made your last purchase with another email (correlating to nickname mjunk354). I can just move your latest membership to your previous email and then you will be able to view site and have all of your former badges with old email. Would you like me to make membership transfer in order to achieve it?
Or I can just merge forum accounts for you, @JulianInCT170821
Yes please do. However, I didn’t use a different email. I used both, the same email, the same payment method and the same password so I don’t understand why another profile was created, but if you can combine it, I would appreciated it. Thank you
I assume that “combine” is closer to your option. Please assist
The previous Forum name was junk28184. Whatever you have to do so I can get all my awards back. Thank you
Okay, I checked both your accounts. You do have two different accounts at VHTV with different emails.
Your original Forum user @JulianInCT170821 has a much bigger purchase history at VHTV, but has no current subscription because of your error with accounts.
Your current username @JulianInCT170821 has a Premium subscription now and even if we transfer all the forum content by this user to @JulianInCT170821, you will always be logged in as @JulianInCT170821 here while you’re using the account with active subscription.
I’ll try to make it simple, there are several scenarios, please choose one:
- You can choose to keep the user @JulianInCT170821 with email you can check at Preferences page, we will merge the forum content from @JulianInCT170821 to @JulianInCT170821
- You can choose to keep the user @JulianInCT170821 which has a bit different email, and we merge the @JulianInCT170821 into the @JulianInCT170821. However, you will still log into forum automatically as @JulianInCT170821 as long as you’re using VHTV with this user’s active subscription.
- We don’t usually do that, but when the issue is client’s error, we can remove the subscription from @JulianInCT170821 user at VHTV, and re-add the days left from that account to your original, @JulianInCT170821. You will need to re-login to VHTV with your previous account. We will also merge the content by @JulianInCT170821 into @JulianInCT170821 here at the forum. For additional protection against the same error, we will just ban @JulianInCT170821 account at VHTV after everything is done. I’d vote for this option if I were you.
Please let us know how would you like to proceed and we will do that for you. We will provide you with details of the procedure chosen via Support to both of your emails, in private.
Yeah, it may seem complicated, but we’ll try to make it as easy as possible for you
I’m currently login in to the Live Stream with email " " Since I don’t want to screw up the login to the Live Stream, I think that option 1 is the way to go. (unless there is some extra days left in the “junk28184” account)
As junk28184 has 0 days left, @VHTV_James please merge
All done. In case you’d like your username changed, please let me know via PM