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Location- Location
I wish there were a few apartments that are in English. Hearing what is being said is half the fun. I can work around the time difference but not the language. Are there any apartments in the US or Canada?

No apartments there…

It would be great to understand what is being said, I am guessing there must be a legal reason why we don’t see any UK/US/Canadian apartments.

VH already had one realm at US but was a total fail because the participants. Still i guess the biggest argument is the financial one.
VH had/have places in around 11 different countries

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I agree we should have cam in English go 50/50
All so no phones if not needed

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You can’t forbid them using phones. This is not a prison…

Okay put more cameras in blind spots were we can see them we are paying to watch real live footage
so if they don’t like more cams leave
remember we are paying to watch real live cam

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Back in 2019, there was an apartment in Florida. They went off for a few months and reopen in Vegas. However, it’s no longer in the project. All that means that it can be done in the US and anywhere.

What was wrong with the participants? It would probably work better to have foreigners mixed with english speakers in one of those apartments

i totally agree i am English and i struggle to understand any of the realms i have suggested to VHTV to add subtitles

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Yeah, understanding what they’re saying would make the whole experience better, because we would get to know them better.

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exactly mate at the moment i don’t understand anything at any realm because of the language barrier

Are there any current apartments/realms where they speak english?

Someone mentioned realm 68…don’t see it anywhere…


This question was already discussed here.