@John78 can you please tell why you facepalmed this post? Can’t we have fun and talk about a girl we like to watch?
We also do not facepalm any posts you make in topics you like. A bit of unfair don’t you think?
Shyguy wrote nothing wrong, insulting or anything which deserver a facepalm…
At his initial post i laughed loud. I couldn’t believe he’s serious
Different apartments ?? This must be the best joke ever. How to call the places from the same studio she’s working for, as “different apartments” ? What is different ? They are all one team and i am sure that he knows it.
For not following these places you know and comment a lot.
We cold have talked about how many toilet paper Rosy uses or how often she clean her sheets. You can laugh about it of course but it does not deserve a facepalm.
We want to have fun here. That is all. We had no thought that the apartments are one and even if we knew it can’t we have our fun?
We don’t facepalm your posts in the topics you watch and have fun.
You don’t facepalm my posts, that’s true. So i haven’t facepalmed your post. Shyguy instead, does it constantly for 2 years without stopping. I just friendly give him some of them back.
Is funny that you’re telling me but not to the one doing it for 2 years or more. Anyway, we are way off topic now, you asked and i answered, that’s about it
I would think Anna and Alex would have more, as I’m sure Jabs knows, they did a bit of a tour of places I don’t think they were even connected to, at lease in a business sense. This was several years ago though