Crazy stats

I think every site needs a crazy stats topic so lets post all crazy and interesting stats we have here.
I will begin with some:

Updated 2023-03-10

Honorable mentions:

Waiting for people to add more :wink:


Some amazing facts! 10 times in 24 hours jesus beats my record.

Would love to know shortest duration of sex? Some of the girls in there I’

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Shortest duration of sex is easy. At the very beginning of the site there was a couple named Nasty & Anton (Yes she really named herself Nasty. Not a typo there)
Well he usually already came before he could even stick it fully in. So sex with them was between 10 and 30 seconds :rofl:

Great topic, @jabbath1987!

Any way you could match up Archive Videos to these stats to let people watch the records being set?

Oh My Wow GIF

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I will try if I find recordings for everything :wink:

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You have to put how many contestants fucked with the light off and their clothes on, it would be a record

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Not sure where the record is there. Most likey an orgy with Mira & Henry or Anna & Alex involved. Unfortunately at the moment no more orgies at the site happening. But nice foursome in realm22 last night.

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the last orgy was a year ago, imagine the level.


How many times camera angles are moving and get fixed and moving again and again,

Toooooo much to do any statistics for that :see_no_evil:

All done :stuck_out_tongue:

Unbelievable, you rock!

Gigi Hadid Reaction GIF


Okay, I’ll be a stinker and add some silly toilet humor stats :rofl:

  • Loudest farter :peach: :dash:- Connor

  • Loudest burper :sweat_drops:-Connor’s gf Lavander (what a pair, eh, lol)

  • Most farts in 24 hours :dash:-Ethel, she was housesitting for a week but you couldn’t go 20 minutes without her popping off

  • Took the most farts to the face-Kiki and Mike, these two farted on each other a lot, but Kiki took it to the next level farting in his face a couple times, but still nothing compared to Gina and curly from RLC . . . but that’s something completely different :exploding_head:

Sorry, no vids to link since VHTV doesn’t have a fart section in the archives for some reason, hahaha.


Fucking hilarious! :joy:


Hilarious. Love it :joy:

Orangutan Lol GIF


Let me add the loudest snorer: Dean. He woke up everybody s___ping the room with him :joy:


So among the ladies of vhtv, who all burp or belch a lot?
I’ve seen Kiki, Rejolda and Moana do some big ones, but who else?

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I remember Candy once doing it very loud to show Dean how loud he is :upside_down_face:

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What is the longest blanket sex & who was it. :grin:

Well I guess that must be Kenny :joy:

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