
Well, as Mellania aint there, it can’t happen. :face_with_monocle: but Lisbet and Suva might get it on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She is cute :heart_eyes: :heart:


OMG I’m in love :heart: :heart_eyes:


A couple of pics for ya, from her last visit. :crazy_face:


Was she named?

No she was not, she only got topless, for a few brief minutes, but I had the name Avril ready in case she needed one.

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I was just having a think of one but Avril sounds & looks good to me :+1: :heart:

This and the other two pictures show the extent of her nudity that night

It’s a start I suppose. I’m a patient guy I can wait unlike a lot in here :grin:

The girl may be beautiful, but she thinks that she is inaccessible… She does not have the behavior of socializing and making friends. She seems arrogant…
so this girl won’t have any fun tonight…
It’s obvious why they didn’t invite this girl as a guest…

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Yea, ya might well have to, she seemed rather shy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Man! you can tell all that by looking at her :thinking: Ever thought of a career in therapy :joy:

You see all that by watching at a simple photo? :joy:

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It’s through the makeup, evidently

There is another girl now. Blonde. Only can see her from behind right now

You really needed to call Carlos to here… Another guest girl turn back to cams :astonished: :astonished:

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All those girls are Nolans Birthday presents? When can he start unwrapping? :joy: :joy:

3 just left. :grimacing:

Hopefully just buying wrapping paper :joy: :joy: