Oh nooo, not another one wanting to ruin their body, pisses me off why they feel the need for it as certainly doesn’t enhance them
Да, у меня новое тату, но оно еще не окончено, через месяц я добавлю туда деталей) Сразу понимаю что многим не понравится, но это дело вкуса и не всем нравится то что нравится мне)
Hey, as long as you like it that’s all that matters in the end.
Тебе стоит завести где-нибудь маленький символ кресла, чтобы твой фирменный символ всегда был с тобой .
Хаха очень хорошая идея, я подумаю над этим😅
Мне это нравится
It’s looks hot just like you:wink: I love all of ur tattoos:star_struck: if you like it that’s all that matters
OMG, WTF is is that @Lisbet ?, Or is it showing how to ruin a body in one easy lesson.
Why in heavens name would you want to cover your whole body in ink like that.
Sorry I don’t mean to be rude but that is horendous.
Then do not be rude. That comment is very rude. Her comment says it all. She can do what she likes and she has not to ask or please any of us with it.
She has as much right to do what she wants with her body as we do to give our opinion on what she shows us, if you show it, people will give their opinion, it is normal.
You can give your opinion but in a respectful way.
In any case, I don’t think that Miss Lisbet will be bothered or traumatized by what a handful of strangers here think, and besides, it’s the best thing she can do.
Afraid i have to agree with @Catalonia, they all put themselves up for public viewing and therefore in the firing line for comments.
One does try to be respectful, maybe the word “horendous” may have been a bit strong but i stand by the rest of my post completely.