Yes, that is new and quite frustrating. It started out at a reasonable number, I believe it was between 6 and 10. Then, if memory serves, VHTV was opposed to people making a lot of consecutive posts and knocked it down to 2 or 3. After much complaint, they bumped it up to five, where it’s been for several months.
Now, it’s back down to two again, which, IMHO, is unreasonable.
I think VHTV may be trying to deter people from posting single pics. I’m not sure that would be the best way to accomplish that, as it disenfranchises the many to control a few
Now, the vast majority, who did nothing wrong, can make only two consecutive posts because of a couple who put single pics in a post.
I emphasize this is only speculation, as I don’t know the actual reason the limit was imposed.