
Likka apartment is an advertisement for cellulite :star_struck:. She is not so pretty in any apartment. And in such quantities :+1:.

Thanks a lot for the nice pic, Hendrik, but to be honestā€¦ I do not like creams sprays or perfume on female feet. I prefer them after work after sport, with exclusive female foot sweat perfume. :wink: I do not know why it makes me that horny, but it is a fact. :blush:

Cheesy feet fetish thats a new one on me , so educational this site :upside_down_face:

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Yes and for some, frogs legs are a delicacyā€¦just saying! :innocent:

I never visit france because i always come home legless :rofl:

They donā€™t grow back? :open_mouth:

Lol Lol To be honest never tried :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wouldnā€™t, in case they donā€™tā€¦not worth the risk!

Oh girl your sexy feet :drooling_face: are driving me mad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ā€¦ if you ever sell your used slippers let me know :wink:

yo no iba a renovar la supcripcion ā€¦ pero , este coƱo peludo me gusta mucho y quiero verlo abierto , ella y marla me parecen las unicas que valen la pena .

I seimage
e Blondie in Likkaā€™s apartment isnā€™t Blondie.

Busted ahaha :joy:

You try bleaching your Fo Fo it b___dy stings :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thatā€™s why you bleach someone elseā€™s so it doesnā€™t sting. :rofl:

Do you bleach yours then?! :laughing:

Oh I just realised, that went around in circles and so not sure my comment made sense!

Thought somebody would ask that , we frogs dont have pubic hair as such :joy: :joy: :joy:

Well that IS what I thought, to be honest! Um, by the wayā€¦what do you mean by ā€œas suchā€?! :laughing:

I have never seen a hairy frog :innocent:

In medieval times, women would burn frogs and wear the ashes near the vagina or boil the frog and take the juices as a potion, because they thought it cured menstruation. I say frogs, it was written as toads, but all toads are genetically frogs. Anyhoo ā€¦

ā€œThe hairy frog also known as the horror frog or Wolverine frog, is a Central African species of frog in the family Arthroleptidae. It is monotypic within the genus Trichobatrachus. Its common name refers to the somewhat hair-like structures on the body and thighs of the breeding maleā€

Itā€™s ā€˜somewhatā€™ hairy