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wow I’m impressed with the change from nun nº 1 to nun nº 2


Yea, Hopefully Likka will be more active than Agnia

We’ll see!

wow, new name and right away some interesting action


Well Agnia didn’t interest me at all. Hopefully Likka has more male friends to invite round than Agnia did. The only males I ever saw when Agnia was the participant just took photographs and stayed fully clothed.

She’s already done a photo shoot once

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Likka has masturbated there without orgasm in the past, but only as part of the program, not out of horny. She had a guy about last Christmas.

Agnia is sexually active, but always out of the apartment and only for money.

So she is a wh*re? :smiley:

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Where? :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Agree; Agnia was sexy to look at but that’s all you got. I’ve know a lot of girls like that “What you see is what you get” and NO more

Agnia needed someone to bring her to life to start showing some emotion. The new girl could make all this happen. But I guess people here rather watch porn slaves with tattoos and _____ kids, yet they find the time to hate on Agnia on the forums, so I hope you’re happy now, she’s leaving.

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You know this place is fully of porn “stars” like no other lately?

Yes and that’s why I was never interested in more than 3-5 apartments. But there’s a difference if the tenants’ lives are just one big porn show (-5 GMT, +7 GMT) or if they just use the place for porn shoots (Oliver) with external talent or if the girls do escorts in their spare time. The first scenario is very off-putting while the second is absolutely fine.

Agree most of these places are pathetic. Especially realm7.

Did not see any talent there yet. Mostly bad acting to ridiculous scripts

finally someone who speaks truth sometimes people on this forum are backwards

Oliver had some top girls in for shoots. The script is stupid (it caters only to his customers’ base), but I think the interesting part is watching the “behind the scenes”, not the porn scene itself.


Yeah and behind the scenes all of them were plain boring. Just doing their job, shower, getting dressed and they left.

Finally, I agree with the latest posts, including you, Batman. The girls in love moved off camera. This is real …

Some action. :slight_smile: