Libra & Papi

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The next part happened off camera. I’ve actually never seen that. Now I’ll have to look out for it…






Alguém sabe o que és está a passar com eles? Esta manhã pelo que apanhei eles tinham convidados e estavam a discutir no quarto onde papi nunca saiu de lá só depois dos convidados terem ido embora e Libra estava a esconder algo de Papi no sofá não sei porque. Agora estou a ver ele de mochila e a discussão já tem horas.


Existe uma parte onde ela o empurra para o chão junto a porta de entrada. Ele queria sair e ela não deixava e o empurra, ele também estava a meu ver com bebida.

brute de décofrage ?

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First I have to apologize to the forum, I had posted a .gif above that was actually in very poor taste, I’ve now deleted that post. It was a .gif of Papi repeatedly pushing Libra onto the bed, in the context of them having a fight / heated argument. My only defense is that I thought I had seen a perfecrt repeating loop there, and when I made the gif out of curiosity to see if it would work as a fluid loop, it worked spectacularly.

It’s a translation thing, I’m not sure, but I think you are asking if this is a case of domestic violence? I think there’s not a simple yes or no answer here. When I made the gif I had not seen most of the drama, but now I’ve gone back and I think I’ve seen the pivotal points.

They were having guests, with music and drinks. During that L&P went to the bedroom and Papi was very upset about something. I don’t know about what, maybe Libra was being too sexy around the mostly male guests? Anyway, that argunent went on for quite a long time, so long that in between the guests had all left, and it seemed to almost go to the point of them breaking up, Papi was actually packing some things and about to leave.

All the physical struggle there was basically seemed to be Libra desperately trying to calm him down and keep him from leaving. In the .gif he pushed her onto the bed to get away from her.

But. There’s always that damned but. On closer inspection at one point Papi did slap Libra on the cheek once. At another point she punched him in the face and actually gave him a little black eye. Bot of these actions were not done with much force or any visible prior deliberation or intent to hurt the other. More like a reflex. From what I’ve seen, and I don’t know if I have seen everything, I’m willing to file these under “shit happens” in the heat of the moment, and I’m not worried about this being a physically abusive relationship.

That doesn’t mean that I condone slapping your partner, or anybody else, in an argument. While for the most of it they were having their argument like reasonable grown-ups, with words and gestures, it definitely was a mess. They both messed up. We’ll have to wait and see where they go from here, but for now things seem to have cooled down.


I think something fishy going on here. Living room and kitchen cameras not working. All others are. :thinking:

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hors ligne en ce moment louche tout ca ?

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