Let's go full SOCIAL DYSTOPIA!

Participants love their phones right? With the new VHTV Participant APP and accompanying genital electrostim, the audience can feedback their feelings to the particpant like never before! Didn’t like the lack of action? Hit the red X and administer a small shock to a housemate of your choice! Pleased with a particular guy or girl? Hit the green tick button to send a tip and the housemate’s phone will chirp in a pleasing and reinf_____g way! House pets get their own version! Help litter train the four-legged housepets!

OK OK I know, not voyeur… but in case VHTV is thinking to expand operations in the year 2040 :wink:

EDIT: BONUS - similar app for forum participants!

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Guess I would love this and hate this at the same time :rofl: :rofl:

Finally a way to wake Katia up :joy::innocent:

I like the pain. You’d only encourage me. hur hur hur hur hur hur :nerd_face:

And there’s me thinking Katia was the one as___p. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: