Lazy People

You got me there. :rofl:

Somehow I knew youā€™d like that one :rofl:

Goldie got some nice nips and also tits even Jessi

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100% agree on that. :heart_eyes:

Theyā€™re pregnant - so their tits are probably stretching with milk. :thinking:

Pregnant do not count. They are ā€œcheatingā€ :joy:

My sentiments exactly - we need some regular, everyday tits and nips. :laughing:

Even before being pregnant her tits and nips still looked good

Everyday Tits and Nips. New topic maybe. :thinking:

OK, you start it - Iā€™ve already started at least 3 good topics the last day or so. :laughing:

Nope it was just a :thinking: okay.

All I know is that these kids need to get off the laptops phones and start doing something intertaining because these is getting really boring

VHTV said there going to try to change that. We will see.

Weā€™ve all been saying this for some time. Havenā€™t seen a change yet. :thinking:

Yep nothing will ever change

Yea letā€™s wait and see

I know. lets :pray: for change. :grin: :grin:

Depends on whether the ā€œman upstairsā€ approves of voyeurs watching strangers fucking their brains out :thinking:

Probably not so itā€™s a waste of time

Okay, Iā€™m having a good time here, but I have to get offline and go pick up groceries - some of that ā€œreal lifeā€ s__t, you know.