With the exception possibly of Otto & Lola, Timothy & Kristy, Amelie & Lucas and maybe Schuler & Conor and Mira&Henry - all of whom are generally not at home during the daytime and appear to have jobs - the participants on VHTV seem to be among the laziest people I’ve ever seen. If they were all over 65 and retired, like me, I could understand it, but most of them appear to be in their early 20s to mid-30s, but all they do is stay in bed all day looking at their phones. I’ve never seen anyone read a book or newspaper while in bed - they only stare at their phones, or watch TV either on big-screens or their computers. Are they getting paid so well to participate in the VHTV project that they don’t have to go out and make a living???
Please excuse my spelling - damn autocorrect changes the spelling of names, and I’m tired of trying to edit them correctly.
As long as there are people watching them doing that nothing will change…
It will go on like this and it will never change.
Well when it can change to the worse why not can change to be better again?
I highly doubt it, Mr jabbath.
I wonder if and when they decide to go out into the real world to get a job if they will put this down on their CV?
Probably not, unless they are looking to land a job in the porno industry - but they would actually have to do something to get a job there, wouldn’t they???
Let’s agree - people are lazy. Everything. Our brain is so arranged that if we can save energy, we save it. These guys have such an opportunity. And, again, if all the participants worked outside the apartment all day, you would be much more bored. And the fact that they just lie under the covers and look at the phone, we will try to change soon.
Seems people some time ago had more energy or motivation. Just look in here:
Nothing will change, know why?
Because they don’t have a minimum level to be in a business like this.
Never say never. They will have a minimum level.
If for you a minimum level is to have content of 17 videos of a fat man pissing and couples who have been here longer than Putin in power and continue to fuck with the light off, then you have a problem.
You are a bit overexaggarating but that was kind of funny
It’s a way of talking, he doesn’t even know the s__t he’s got in the realms.
Do not project your thoughts and experiences onto others.
OK time to get out the popcorn, finally a personal fight
That one was funny too
And here we have the guest at Yan and Flora’s place discovering the new and exciting world of VHTV. See dad I can get paid for doing fuck all, please let me move to their place.
Generally the site looks these days as people getting ready for hibernation