Understood. I only have issues when usually everyone has and it’s talked here. Other then that i only struggle when on the phone, but that’s due to the poor signal/internet i have at work
Ok thanks now i understand yes this has happened to me in the past but right now it’s currently not happening.
I don’t really know the answer. Even worse, you made me thinking now as i notice the problem only when it’s really bad
On CB, i also notice the lags constantly, indeed
Ich habe auch Probleme . Stream ladet langsam oder gar nicht
Ich glaube nicht dass es an den cams liegt passiert ist mehreren reichen
(Browser) Cache hast schon mal geleert oder mal PC/System neu gestartet?!
Wenn nicht viel dranhängt, würde ich auch einmal Router neu starten.
Alles schon erledigt bleibt beim altem
andere Streaming-Dienste gehen?
Oder wenn nichts gebucht, sowas wie die Mediatheken von ARD/ZDF ?!
Alles andere geht super
andere Browser haste bestimmt auch schon getestet …
Dann bleibt nur ein Ticket aufmachen mit Fehlerbeschreibung und was Du schon gemacht hast.
Yes I’ve been seeing that a lot lately on some cameras.
Somewhat gratifying to hear i am not on my own.
By streaming jumps i mean that every so often it is like video frames just go missing suddenly and you are then viewing something many secs ahead.
I can be watching say people sat down on a sofa and then some of them are suddenly over the other side of the room or similar.
This is a fairly regular happening for me.
Also bei mir macht es immer Sprünge wenn ich von der anderen cam zu anderen Wechsele dachte dass wäre normal anscheinend nicht ?!
I assume you are not switching cams in that period as the time synchronization seems out as well
I’ve noticed In Fox’s apartment some cams can be out by up to 8 seconds
No, that is just staying on the same cam and it suddenly jump to the future many secs ahead.
Also once upon a time i was able to follow people from cam to cam no problem, very rarely i can now.
Yep rather funnily just like that but more bigger gaps only not cats but humans
Funnily it all started for me i think when they started doing updates,
Some updates seem to go without any problem, it’s like they don’t house test them first sometimes.
Warum fallen im Moment so viele cams ab ?
vielleicht weil das haltbarkeitsdatum abgelaufen ist?