Lags and latest site problems

But do agree it’s not on the android phone display, in fact was it ever? Can’t remember now :laughing:

Yes, it was, i think i just discovered on the new version as well… it is in between the home icon and the chat, like a flame shape :joy::joy::joy:

Just got the updated forum just now, interesting choice of name for the chat

Looool :joy::joy::joy:

Yeah, i just got the new mobile version as well. But still no sound :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Yeah got the flame icon, rather a sneaky way to explain “Live” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well it’s a community that’s why everyone always gets on so well. :roll_eyes: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Foto’s uploaden lukt niet meer .
Zelfs na 10 min wachten voor het uploaden van foto .
als ik wil antwoorden op berichten , moet ik het forum 2 maal sluiten . dan pas opent de chatbox

All OK…

What browser are you using? I use Chrome and it’s working mostly fine. Sometimes i need to close down the forum and open again in order to be able to upload photos or vids, but not very often.

Microsoft edge , met heel veel problemen opent het forum .
Chrome lukt al helemaal niet
Firefox lukt ook niet

I don’t know what to say… I use Chrome as i said. I still have issues, but mostly it works. I am not very good on IT maybe @jabbath1987 knows to help you better.

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I can only say that Edge sucks and you should avoid it at all costs. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not for me, i use Chrome and , with some small issues, it’s working. It’s @WARIO that has problems after the change on the forum

Chrome as usual works for me without any problems. I do not use Edge for good reasons :wink:

What reason is that? works ok for me

Heard from a lot of people having problem with it. It is good that it works for you. But personally I do not use it and I do not recommend it.

From personel experience eh.
Not much to choose from any of them really.

It wasn’t as bad as it was just now. Most cameras, all over the realms, do not playback!?

Everything is fine here… :thinking:

Give me an example and I’ll see if I can come up with it…