Lags and latest site problems

Well i hope they sort out all these streaming jumps in the video streaming and other related issues.
All been a bit of a dogs dinner recently.
Also the forum seems to be a bit cocked up what with pics failing to open when clicked etc etc.
This has been going on for me for ages now even though Jabs always says it fine his end :laughing:

Don’t think anything is browser related, all the cock ups and bad working is their end, always has been but they always want to deflect the problem onto users etc etc.
Every other site i visit doesn’t have any problems.

maybe they shoud put a little more effort in the issues… its getting more and more

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Agreed, I reported issues with the streaming site in April and the issues are still there now, hopefully with the forum upgrade they fix it so it doesn’t have a seizure when you want to zoom in to something using an iPad

Since there is only maintenance going on on the VHTV forums site, I don’t think this has anything to do with the main site’s streaming issues.

Oh well it’s been nice talking to you guys on the forum :+1:

Thought I’d get this in before it goes all tits up :wave: :wave: :rofl: :rofl:

oooh you’re such a techi wizard pal a wish a could be as good as you. :rofl:

You think we should all say goodbye to each other while we still have the chance?? :sweat_smile: :joy:

Test …1234567890

Write text, that works … uploading pictures is always “rejected”

Maybe the hard drive is full. Thanks to Torey…

Does anyone else have issues with the sound today? I don’t have any sound when i’m on the mobile phone

I know i know pal, cain’t help that my talent comes naturally, some, or is it one?, ain’t so lucky perhaps :laughing:

It works fine on my phone I only tried Lyla and Wayne and Vegas and Winter places

I see, cheers, must me something on my end then

Hallo John , ich habe seit einiger Zeit auch dieses Probleme mit den iPhone ! Kurze Zeit geht es dann ist plötzlich der Ton weg. Und ich habe noch ein Problem dass ich plötzlich die relams nicht mehr sehen kann bzw. Die Seite wird kleiner ! Was hast du für ein Handy

Hi. I have a Samsung, never got any problems till today. Also when i am the forum the live icon to go back and watch Realm has dissapear

Well the Apple devices are known for making problems…
I use Android and never had any problems

Maybe try a different browser. Chrome usually works fine.

I have android too and have no problems

I only use Chrome…:thinking::thinking::thinking: