Sent email to got this back
they didn’t understand
Problem is still there?
Yes, but don’t you have it
Yes, time line more than 1h behind in some realms, Medea, Otto Lola, etc. Don’t know if it’s the same everywhere.
It stopped updating at 21:35 UTC. I will do a ticket.
I don’t have a problem here
Did one. They told me to clear cache. Still there.
They told me they can reproduce the problem and are working on it.
V Mary’s apartment timeline starts off at the same as real time, as it should do.
Until recently many were like this or within a minute.
If one can be exact why can’t they all be?
I’ve had this problem for a long time. Not necessarily a full hour difference, but going back 10, 20 or 30 minutes from live time is virtually impossible.
Hi there. Problem is fixed
Curiously, TL at Elon’s seems to work normally …
Thanks, that was quick…
Thanks for taking the nightshift and fixing
Thanks BB can we contact you direct if it happens again, would save a lot of hassle
You better contact our support, these guys know what to do
Yep Virginia totally understood the problem
It’s somebody else that doesn’t have the timeline at all right now ?
Is gone…
I hope she didn’t disappear where the globe went…
I watch on an iPad and for some reason the site seems to keep refreshing itself ever so often. Kind of annoying really.